Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

Egg Allergies and Vaccinations

Egg allergies are probably of most concern to parents who have kids that have to be vaccinated. That's because many vaccines are made using chicken eggs. And many people are allergic to or have a reaction to vaccines made with eggs. A reaction can produce redness around the vaccinated area or a rash.
On the other hand, if the child is truly allergic to eggs, a vaccine can possibly create a life threatening situation. An allergic response occurs very quickly and usually in the form of the person immediately experiencing shortness of breath and swelling of the face.
These days, there are many anti-vaccination groups that oppose the idea of vaccinations entirely. Some groups, believe in vaccinations, but don't believe in giving the child a series of vaccinations at the same time. On the opposing side, other parents want their child vaccinated for every possible disease.
Whatever your viewpoint towards vaccinations, it should not be changed by the possibility that your child will be impacted by an egg allergy. The incidences of true egg allergies reaction in response to vaccines is very low. But, if your chid does have an egg allergy, make sure to inform the doctor and he will know what steps to take.
If you believe that you or your child may have an egg allergy but are not sure, you can have an allergy specialist test you. The typical test involves a series of pin sized pricks to the skin testing the skin's various reactions to different substances. The test is normally done on the the person's back or forearm. A positive test for an allergy is usually manifested by the area around the skin prick turning red or expanding. To avoid false positives, you will probably be asked to avoid all products containing egg for the two or three days prior to the test. If the skin prick test indicates an allergy, the allergist may send a blood sample to a lab where it can be checked for IgE antibodies.
Epinephrine is adrenaline medication often used to treat extreme allergic reactions, such as anaphylactic shock. If opens the airways and makes breathing easier. It is also produced naturally by the body in high stress situation where the person may be in "fight or flight" mode. Epinephrine comes in handy and easy to use containers. If you have an extreme case of egg allergy, your doctor may request that you always carry a vial of epinephrine with you in case you ever suffer an attack. If you ever experience difficult breathing following an egg attack, this drug may possibly save your life.

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