Do you know what that red onions?....... And what does it do in technology?
Red Onion ( Shallot ) is one of the agricultural commodities which have substantial benefits inhuman life. A variety of dishes requiring onion as a flavoring, fragrances, as well asnutritional additive. Similarly, the pharmaceutical industry who need onions to mixmedicines. Farmers plant onions, attracted by the economic value it generates, whichgives hope to earn a better income. With the application of farming systems such as the use of good seed, planting, fertilizing, watering, pest and disease penegendalian andprocessing the results, onion production reached 4.91 to 10 tonnes / ha (Limbonganand Maskar, 2003)
Many of the constraints faced by farmers in trying to farm onions. Pests are alwayslurking in the field and ready to invade and destroy the crops of onion, red onion farmers were required to have skills and knowledge in identifying pests and diseases,symptoms of attack and control efforts. Pest Spodoptera exigua Hubn. is one of thecauses of the onion crop yield losses. This pest attacks almost always occur in everyplanting season. Loss of crops due to pest attack can reach 62.98%, and even crop failure.
One of the current control technique developed is the use of light traps, which is tailoredto the nature of the imago is active at night and are attracted to light the lamp.
At this time many farmers began to carry out pest control, especially with red onion Technology Integrated Pest Management (without the use of pesticides). With consideration of the use of pesticides is considered very expensive and not affordable by the farmers. Besides, another consideration is the negative impact caused adverse effects on humans, plants, natural enemies and the environment. Some farmers how to use them is to use light traps. (Light trap) to control S. exigua. Use of light traps by farmers is an example of application of mechanical control, namely control technique which is done by human hands, tools or other materials in order to turn off, blocking, removing or blocking insect pests. In addition to the use of lighy trap, several techniques that often
used, among others (1) taking egg, larva, pupa or imago pests by hand and killed him, (2) cut or remove part of the plant pests to eliminate the source of infection (Jumar, 2000). Light traps can be used to control insect pests are active at night and the lights attracted, like moths S.exigua active at night. Use of light traps by farmers is the right step for controlling S. exigua, especially combined with the collection of eggs and larvae (Duryatmo, 2004).
Lights can be used petromaks lamp or electric bulb. Lights are hung with a certain height above the crop, provided under certain jars with a diameter, adapted to the light used and filled with water, can also be mixed with other materials such as kerosene killer or used lubricating oils.
Insects are attracted towards the light will light used and can fall into the crock and die.Other individuals who do not achieve in a circle of light will light traps or lay eggs on plants in the vicinity of light traps and can be retrieved the next day.
Trap light is turned on for approximately 11 hours starting at 17:30 to 05:30
Materials / equipment needs to be prepared / ha
• Fluorescent Lamp 10 watts: 20 pieces
• Bamboo: to taste
• plastic tub approximately 40 cm in diameter. : 20 pieces
• Power cord: 6 rolls (600 m)
• Nail large: 20 pieces
How to trap light installation:
• Lamps mounted around a paddy field with a distance less than 1 m from the dike.
• lamp mounting height of approximately 50 cm from soil surface.
• The distance the lamp with a tub trap about 10 cm.
• Place the buffer tanks of the split bamboo tip into 4 parts.
• Each lamp is 1 (one) ground / time by using large nails / iron.
• plastic tub filled with former Olie 2 lt
• Number of lights and the wattage is very influential on the number of insects trapped.
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