Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Traditional Medicine and Medicinal Plants in Indonesia

 Since hundreds of years ago, ancestors of our nation has beenknown for clever mix herbs and traditional medicines. Varioustypes of plants, roots, and other natural ingredients formulated as amedicinal herb to cure various diseases. Ingredients were alsoused to maintain body condition in order to stay healthy, preventdisease, and partly to beautify themselves. Proficiency dispensingmaterials were handed down by our ancestors from generation to generation, from one generation to the next, down to our day. In various areas in the country, we find the various books that containprocedures for treatment and other types of traditional medicine. In Bali, for example, found the book usadha tuwa, white usadha,usadha going to, and usadha series containing different types of traditional medicine. In such folk tales Sudamala story, narratedhow Sudamala managed to cure a blind eye Tambapetra pastor.Similarly, relief Mahakarmmawibhangga story at the foot of Borobudur temple, depicting a small child who is sick and beingtreated two physicians. One of the other reliefs, also shows the activities of a physician is dispensing medicine.

Indonesian and Traditional Medicine
Since hundreds of years ago, ancestors of our nation has beenknown for clever mix herbs and traditional medicines. Various typesof plants, roots, and other natural ingredients formulated as amedicinal herb to cure various diseases. Ingredients were alsoused to maintain body condition in order to stay healthy, preventdisease, and partly to beautify themselves. Proficiency dispensingmaterials were handed down by our ancestors from generation to generation, from one generation to the next, down to our day.
In various areas in the country, we find the various books thatcontain procedures for treatment and other types of traditionalmedicine. In Bali, for example, found the book usadha tuwa, whiteusadha, usadha going to, and usadha series containing differenttypes of traditional medicine. In such folk tales Sudamala story,narrated how Sudamala managed to cure a blind eye Tambapetrapastor. Similarly, relief Mahakarmmawibhangga story at the foot of Borobudur temple, depicting a small child who is sick and beingtreated two physicians. One of the other reliefs, also shows the activities of a physician is dispensing medicine.
Similarly, in the Malay tradition, found in manuscripts that present the prescription drugs. Manuscripts that, among other things, includes a variety jamusawan, herbal sliding, herbal medicine forpregnant and give birth, eye pain medicine, pain medication, tomedications appetite enhancer. The transition from Hindu-Buddhistera to the Islamic era, has been enriching the treasure of medical tradition in our society. Various Islamic medical books written in Arabic and Persian, have been translated successfully into the Java language and the language of this Melayu.Semua lasted without interruption, until we know the nation's medical science from Europein colonial times.
In the midst of rush of modern medicine, herbal medicine andtraditional herb remains one choice for our society. Not only peoplein rural, urban society began to consume these traditionalmedicines. In various corners of the country, we easily find thevendors peddle medicinal herbs carry around as a healthy andrefreshing beverage. Similarly, the stalls herbs evenly spreadthroughout the country. Herbal and traditional medicines, hasbecome an integral part of our community life.
The diversity of traditional medicines in the country, have enrichedscience, and health of our nation. Our country became one of the center of medicinal plants in the world. Thousands of species of tropical plant, thriving in every corner of the country. Not all types of plants that we know the benefits and usefulness. We just believe thatGod created all kinds of plants that, certainly not in vain. All thatcertainly helps. Olehkarena, it is necessary conservation of natural resources, to avoid any type of plant species. Forest fires not onlydestroy the wildlife and fauna, but also cause pollution and globalwarming increases the temperature.
Herbal medicine and traditional medicine, has yet to be developedoptimally. Production of herbal and traditional medicines are produced by homeindustry more. Only a minority of herbal andtraditional medicines are being mass-produced through traditionalmedicinal herb industry and in factories. To improve quality, quality,and herbal products and medicines produced by our society, it needs cooperation of all parties that it intended to terkait.Kerjasamaherbal and traditional medicines are produced can compete in bothregional and global markets.
Circulation of herbs and drugs that are not listed in Obatdan FoodControl Agency, will harm consumers. In addition, the economy, the circulation of drugs like it will only damage the image of traditionalmedicine. Finally damaged the image will hit the production andmarketing of traditional medicines, at home and abroad.Government, continue to perform surveillance in order to enhancesafety, quality, and benefits of traditional medicine. This is done so that the public is protected from traditional medicine that can causeunwanted effects.
Through careful research and development and rigorous, herbal andtraditional medicines can be directed to a drug that can be accepted in formal health services. Indeed we must admit, that doctors and pharmacists, to this day still can not accept herbal medicine as a remedy that they can recommend to their patients.As a result, marketing of herbal products can not use the powerDetailers as in modern medicine.
Lately, it seems the trend of healthy living in the community to use products derived from nature. Therefore, the herbal and traditional medicines should be encouraged to be one treatment option. Jamudan traditional medicines should be encouraged also to become a commodity that can make a positive contribution to improving the economic growth of society. Activities also provide opportunities for employment, and reduce poverty.

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