Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Potential Intelligence Fingerprint

Human existence is the connection between mind and body. One of the context of these principles, can be found in the brain that is related to how individuals process the body and reality, and practical attitude in life lived.
Roger W. Sperry, Nobel laureate in 1981, found that the brain associated with the hand. The right brain associated with the left hand and left brain associated with the right hand. Between right brain and left brain also has a different function. The left brain is more directed to the order and logic, while the right brain is more on abstraction and emotion.
What was pioneered by Sperry were then developed further. It turns out the parts in more detail in the left brain and right brain, associated with the fingers you have on hand. Even forming nerves in the brain sections aligned formation of a fingerprint on each finger. The number of strokes fingerprint, symmetry with the nerve to parts of the brain. This formation has been going on since the age of 21 weeks in the womb. Departing from here that the measurement of intelligence through fingerprint prepared.
Later on, Dr. Rita Levi-Montalcini and Dr. Stanley Cohen found a correlation between NGF (Nerve Growth Factor) and EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor). The correlation can be explained as follows.
1. The fingerprint on the thumb correlated with prefrontal brain sections. 2. The fingerprint on the index correlated with frontal brain sections. 3. The fingerprint on the middle finger of the brain correlated with the parietal. 4. The fingerprint on the ring finger of the brain associated with temporal. 5. The fingerprint on the little finger associated with the occipital brain.

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